The Effect of product design on Service Quality with Emphasis on the Role of Intervention of Organizational Citizenship Behavior (Case Study: Postal Services in Khorasan Razavi Province)


  • Afra Fatemi Master of Industrial Engineering, Engineering Management Trend, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research, Iran



Internal Marketing, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Quality of Service.


The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of product designactions on the quality of services and considering organizational citizenship behaviors as a mediating variable. The research method used is descriptive-survey and correlation type and is specifically based on structural equation model. The statistical population of the study consisted of all frontline employees in the post offices of Khorasan Razavi province, as well as all postal service clients of these departments. Among them, 214 individuals from each of the statistical communities (428 people in total) were interviewed with Statistical analysis of SPSS20 and Amos21 software was performed. The results of this study showed that the status of internal marketing actions in the post offices of Khorasan Razavi province is undesirable, and the status of organizational citizenship behaviors of the line managers and the quality of services perceived by the customers is desirable. The results of structural equation model showed that internal marketing measures had a significant effect on organizational citizenship behaviors of the front line employees, but internal marketing actions as well as organizational citizenship behaviors had no significant effect on the quality of perceived service by the customers.


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How to Cite

Afra Fatemi. (2023). The Effect of product design on Service Quality with Emphasis on the Role of Intervention of Organizational Citizenship Behavior (Case Study: Postal Services in Khorasan Razavi Province). International Journal of Engineering & Technology (IJET), 8(1), 22–41.