Organizational Processes Measurement, Organizational performance, Time series, ARIMA.Abstract
The main objective of this study is to provide a model to measure the performance of organizational processes using Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) time series approach, therefore, in order to achieve the main goal of the present study, a set of secondary objectives including: identify the organizational process, data collection and analyze data related to the organizational processes and performance measures using time-series ARIMA has been investigated. ARIMA time series method is one of the most widely used methods for linear prediction. In this technique, the number phrases and sentences moving average regression functions using partial autocorrelation and autocorrelation and usually the Box - Jenkins is calculated. That is an appropriate model which can predict the future performance of organizational processes and the results obtained from the above predictions can be used in planning then it is the great help for decisions that will be taken for the future and as predicted that in the next twelve days, it is to increase the profits of service and this process will have a good performance in the future. In addition, we have conducted a case study on the process of service delivery. The data for this process have been collected and then have been analyzed. In the next step, an appropriate ARIMA model has been presented so that the future behavior of the process has to be estimated or measured the results show that the performance is predicable.
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