Creativity Engineering and Innovation and Its Role in Technology Development


  • Ruhollan Nasiri Qazvin University, Iran


creativity, innovation, technology development


Development as one of the most important goals of human societies requires a tool such as technology to influence its own structures for growth. The rate of technology development with its growing trend has been able to bring about major changes in human inputs and outputs. The advancement and prosperity of societies, economic prosperity, and the expansion of industries, the creation of wealth and the creation of competitive advantage can be seen from the results of the application of technology and its development. The development of technology, which is a dynamic structure, has led factors such as creativity and innovation engineering to provide a logical and systematic approach to appropriate solutions to technological problems. The purpose of the paper is to examine and analyze the effects of creativity and innovation on technology development. Also the research method was a library; all information was collected and analyzed through databases.


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How to Cite

Ruhollan Nasiri. (2022). Creativity Engineering and Innovation and Its Role in Technology Development. International Journal of Engineering & Technology (IJET), 7(1), 9–18. Retrieved from